Monday, April 20, 2009

And So It Begins...

Tomorrow very early and not even bright out yet (4:15am) I'll be off to the airport to say "see you later Babe" to David.

I have been really having a hard time with him leaving, it's the preleaving stuff that's the hardest for me. I feel like I start to pull away from him and distance myself for some type of protection. It's hard to enjoy the last few days you have together when you know you will be apart very soon for way too long. I think it's just knowing this trip (about 3.5 weeks) is the beginning of him being gone for much longer. We both appreciate your prayers as he heads out to New Jersey for combat training, among other JAG specific training (the first week is only JAG's that are getting deployed). I'll try to keep you up to date with anything exciting David's up to while he's gone this time.

For those in our home towns...
We are heading to the midwest to see you in May!! We'll be in IL and MN but only for a few days each so, if you want to meet up please let us know ahead of time since we'll have a tight schedule.


Anonymous said...

Ill be praying for you Kelly!! Call if you get lonely


Beth said...

Hey! Where is David in NJ? We are about 45 minutes from parts of NJ. Also, Wren and I will be in IL from May 19-June 2. Love you! Call if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Oh Honey, I feel your sadness, I'll be praying for you both! Hey Kel or David, what is the name of the base David will be deployed to in Iraq? Jenna will be at Camp Bucca.
E-mail me~ Lisa M


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