Friday, September 11, 2009

Sentence Served: 91 days
Sentence Remaining: 88 days

We are now 51% of the way done with David's stay in Iraq!!!! Thank you Lord. Celebrating each milestone along the way and thanking God for His faithfulness in so many areas.

Here are a few of the things I'm thankful for thus far:

  1. David's Safety
  2. David's job, he seems to enjoy his work
  3. The communication that I've had with David, it's been better than expected!
  4. Learning to appreciate so many things about marriage and my spouse specifically that I've taken for granted at times
  5. The support David's been shown by friends and family through packages, letters and encouraging emails - this also greatly encourages me!
  6. A new appreciation and understanding of our troops and all they do for us. Thank you to our Airmen, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Coast Guardians :), Foreign Officers & Ambassadors, Public Health Service members and anyone else I've left out -- THANK YOU for serving. Another huge shout out to the families that support them, it's a tough job (I know now :)).

1 comment:

Terri said...

It's all down hill from here! (minus the baby being born and all that other hard stuff. hmmmm. I mean, nevermind.)


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