Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I just got off the phone with our agency. Every time I talk to someone there about our Sweet Pea I get all nervous and jittery!  It's like excitement and emotions are just over flowing.  I swear, I'm always trying not to cry when I'm talking to them about Sweet Pea.  I love that I feel so excited and emotional about her - just confirms in my mama heart how dear she already is to me.

There are so many legal, visa, passport  and immigration things to get through before we can travel.  None of it is in our hands... we wait... and we'll wait some more as we pray for everything to happen swiftly.  So many hoops to jump through and rules to follow.  But, as our case manager reminded me today - it's all in the interest of the child and for her protection as they release her into our care.  I love that they protect her and care about her well being.  Thank you Lord.

The next two pictures are from the week we moved to Washington.  The exact age Norah is in these pictures (8.5 months) is the age Sweet Pea is right now!  Still such a baby girl :)


stef said...

oh man, just reading about your excitement and emotions here is making my tear up! thanks for always keeping us updated so we feel like we're going through it with you :)

themausspad said...

Kel, it inspires me so much to read your blog. Reading about your palpable and overwhelming love for Sweet Pea is a huge inspiration to me. I am so excited for your family. Can't wait until the day when we see a picture of her with her new, true family.


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